A Busy Year
Well, what can I say? It's been quite a year, and as I just noticed, I still have a blog after a full year of letting it gather edust. So, here's what happened, in a nutshell.
Changed jobs: Early this year, I changed jobs. In fact, I went back to the job I'd left only about a year and a half earlier. I had left on good terms and when they heard I was back on the market they immediately called me up, as they were adding a position to the engineering department. It felt like going home. The updates and upgrades in the factory were a nice assurance that business was good, too. It's been a busy time, but knowing what I know now, I never would have left. Perhaps even as exciting is the fact that I'm back in a place where I feel safe biking to work again, a benefit which I've been trying to take advantage of as much as possible.
The Garden: I still enjoy gardening when the weather is nice, although my dreams and schemes for building a temporary dome greenhouse for winters have succumbed to real-world reality, a did add a terraced garden area to the sloped back yard. Ever seen a cubic yard of dirt bags in a Subaru? This year I'll look into actually pruning back the tomato plants.
Biking: As I said before, my current job allows me a fairly nice route for riding my bicycle to work. I have once again become a fair-weather bike commuter. However, I have purchased a nice old 12 speed road bike which I am rebuilding as a commuter bike. I still haven't decided whether I'll keep the derailleurs, convert it to singlespeed or add a nice internally geared hub. Whatever I do, the current rear hub, which has a bit of a wobbly gear cluster needs to go, if I'm going to trust this bike to get me to work on a daily basis. A nice lighting system would also add a lot of time to my riding season, which currently is shortened, not by weather, but by lack of daylight. My problem is in finding/funding a good lighting system. More of the latter. Whatever happens, though, I really miss riding on a daily basis, and recent events, which I won't go into, have really been a reminder that I really need to get out of the car and off of my ass more often. Sure, it's fun to ride, but it's become a lot more than that.
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