
I guess it's an unfortunate fact of life in our culture that there are few events important enough to tear us away from our daily grinds to get together as a family other than funerals.
Well, this past weekend I found myself at my grandfather's funeral. The feelings I experienced were a bit unexpected. Of course we were all sad that he had to go. There was plenty of mourning just like at any other funeral. On the other hand, at the risk of sounding callous, most would consider 105 fruitful years a good life. I think we all knew it. The overwhelming tone was not sorrow, but joy. We were there to share stories about him and to celebrate his life as a beloved family member and as a common link that we all share. In that room we had five generations of family members from his siblings to his great- great grandchildren. I don't think I've ever felt that close to my family before. There was really a feeling of being a part of something bigger than myself. I think the others felt it too. There was talk of planning a family reunion. I really hope that comes into being. We shouldn't wait for a death to be there for each other.
God's speed, Grandpa.
Hey, man. Sorry to hear about your grandpa :( I know how you feel about family, though. I was just thinking about how I don't see my family too often these days. I know they're approaching that age where some of them may soon pass. The comforting thought was that their love and their memories will always live on in my own memories and in my fond recollections of when we were all together a lot.
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