Thursday, December 29, 2005

Oh, the Indignity!

Oh, the Indignity!
Originally uploaded by cafn8.
Well, Christmas is over. The used wrapping paper and boxes have been packed away. The house guests have all gone home. My wife and I took the rest of the week off with the intention of finishing a few projects around the house which we never seem to have time for.

However, things are not turning out like we had planned. Tuesday, my wife and I both seemed to be brewing some sort of upper respiratory bug. Wednesday, our respective bugs were in full swarm. We would have been content to simply sleep all day, but that couldn't happen. Our house guests needed a ride to the airport for a 7:15 am flight. That was not a big deal. Traffic is very light at that time of the day.

I came home and slept until it was time for Boots, the cat's appointment at the vet. He has had a bit of a limp to his gait for a couple of weeks. We've had him to the vet twice for this problem, but it just seems to come and go. This was the earliest we could get in to see the veterinary orthopedist. The news was mixed. He had been injured (a spinal fracture, which luckily is not pinching the nerves), and was healing, but seemed to be re-injuring himself whenever he would start feeling better. The solution: cage rest for 6 weeks.

We brought him home, went to the doctor ourselves (the human doctor), to try to take care of ourselves, then off to the pet store for a home for Mr. Boots. It's a nice 42' cage with doors on 3 sides, and enough room for a litter box, a bed and food and water bowls. He still doesn't like it, but at least his needs are taken care of and he can't run or jump. It really is hard keeping him caged up, but that's the only thing that will help him. We're considering getting him a black and white striped suit and a tin cup to rattle on the bars.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas to All
Originally uploaded by cafn8.
Well, today was another milestone: Our first time hosting Christmas at home. I didn't know if we would survive up to Christmas, as crazy as things have been. It seems like we've been spending every spare moment for the last month cleaning clutter, preparing the guest room (recently known as the storage room), buying living room furniture, and all of the other little things that in along with having a dinner party for a dozen people.

The time leading up to this weekend has had its share of drama, but in the end, I think everyone realized that we all rather do like each other and since we aren't all together that often we should just have a good time. I think tonight we all did. Merry Christmas.

Time to unload the dishwasher for the third time today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Something I Never Knew Existed

Something I Never Knew Existed
Originally uploaded by cafn8.
I spotted this little gem last night while doing a bit of Christmas shopping. It's a liquor dispenser made to look like a gas pump. It is labelled "high octane racing fuel". I couldn't help but find the drinking and driving theme a little troubling. I suppose it works like a water cooler where the bottle stands upside down and bubbles as the fluid level in the bottom part goes down. Neat idea. Bad idea for styling.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by cafn8.
I don't have children, but it seems like taking care of cats must be a little like taking care of a young child. A child that has learned how to get around on his own, but hasn't learned to say what is wrong. A child that can easily hide under the dresser wielding a switchblade. You do your best to give them everything they need. Sometimes they happily take what you give them and cheerfully run off to play. Other times they will not eat their breakfast and sit in their little private place to let you guess why today's kibble, the same flavor as yesterday's which was gobbled down in two minutes flat, just isn't attractive. I guess all that can be done is watch them closely and give whatever our best guess tells us they need, while trying not to tick them off too much.